
Cordyceps sinensis is a tonic and strengthening medicine that is used to nourish the body or as an adjunct treatment


The main production areas are Qinghai, Tibet, China, with Tibet having the best quality


Cordyceps sinensis is divided into two parts: "insects" and "grasses".


When Cordyceps is found to be damp, it should be lightly baked in the oven immediately

Cordyceps Emperor

Wild Cordyceps


People-oriented, do a good job of cordyceps.

Cordyceps sinensis is one of the most valuable tonic drugs in China, in addition to the treatment of chronic diseases, it can also be taken for a long time, as a strong function, cancer prevention, anti-aging, liver and kidney strengthening medicine, its sweet and irritable properties, people of any age can take it.

The person in charge of the company begins in June every year, personally to the Nagqu Mountains in Tibet to purchase, all Cordyceps are from the hands of mountain people, natural and pure, is the best guarantee of authenticity, and furthermore, we are registered in Hong Kong “Himala” brand marketing.
All the major medicine stores in Hong Kong have been loved by the majority of customers for many years, and we have established a good reputation, and we have also been recognized by the Hong Kong Institute of Inspectors and one of its designated merchants.

We procure, dry and clean the process, sort and separate all the mold and broken branches, sterilize them with ultraviolet light before leaving the factory, and then use them with vacuum packaging, metal testing, etc., so that all friends and customers who take “Himala” Cordyceps can rest assured, and it is completely worth the money and get the best effect.

If consumers have any comments or concerns about the Company’s products, please feel free to visit the Company’s Cordyceps Sinensis Flagship Store at 14B, Luen Mei Centre, 44-52 Wai Ching Street, Jordan, and be sure to handle it properly.

Wild cordyceps sinensis powder

Health soup