Cordyceps sinensis is one of the most valuable tonic medicines in China

In addition to the effect of treating chronic diseases, it can also be taken for a long time, as a good medicine for strengthening function, preventing cancer, anti-aging, strengthening the liver and kidneys, and its calming and irritable properties, which can be taken by people of any age and physique.

The person in charge of the company starts in June every year, personally to the Tibetan mountains to purchase, all Cordyceps are from the hands of mountain people, natural and pure, is the best guarantee as a genuine product, moreover, we to Hong Kong registered “Himala” brand marketing.
The major pharmaceutical stores in Hong Kong have been loved by the majority of customers for many years and have established a good reputation.

We procure, dry and clean the process, sort and separate all mold and broken branches, metal testing, etc., so that all friends and customers who take “Himala” Cordyceps can feel at ease, and it is completely worth the money and get the best effect.

If consumers have any comments or concerns about our products, please feel free to visit our company.

What is Himalayan cordyceps?

Cordyceps sinensis is a complex on the larvae of the fungus parasitism bat moth in the ergomyceae family.


The eggs are laid on the ground, and after about a month of hatching, they become larvae and burrow into the soil. A mold in the soil has attacked the larvae, Keep eating the larvae until they die.

By the spring of the following year came

The mold mycelium begins to grow and grows out of the ground in the summer, looking like a small grass, and the larval shell and mold mycelium together form a complete "Cordyceps".


This product is preferably yellow and shiny in color, plump and fat, yellow-white in section, and short in susceptia. Cordyceps sinensis is sweet in taste and warm in nature. The insect body contains fat, crude protein (after decomposition into valine, alanine, glutamic acid, and tissue acid and other essential amino acids for the human body), carbohydrates and crude fiber, in addition to a variety of nuclear compounds, cordyceps acid and cordycepin. Cordycepin has inhibitory effects on Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococcus, staphylococci and streptococcus. Cordyceps sinensis can dilate the bronchial tubes and has an effect on the prevention and treatment of asthma. It can also reduce serum cholesterol, and has pharmacological effects such as sedation, anti-salivation, and anti-inflammation. It is a kind of dietary therapy suitable for the prevention and treatment of geriatric diseases. Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty The "Compendium of Materia Medica" says that the Cordyceps and summer worms have the function of nourishing the lungs and kidneys, relieving cough and asthma. It is used for fatigue and lack of food, impotence and spermatozoa, self-sweating, tuberculosis cough, phlegm and blood, wheezing cough and shortness of breath, waist and knee weakness and other symptoms. Cordyceps sinensis is a tonic and strengthening medicine, although it is a traditional Chinese medicine, it is rarely used directly in prescriptions, and most of it is used with meat to make dietary therapy to nourish the body or as an adjunct treatment.


Cordyceps sinensis is divided into two parts: "insect" and "grass":


The main production areas are Qinghai, Tibet, China, with Tibet having the best quality.

How to save it

Household volume: Cordyceps sinensis can be stored in a small amount, which can be sealed in a plastic bag, refrigerated in the refrigerator, and taken at any time. If it is stored for a long time, it needs to be dried and dried regularly. Individual small amounts: Cordyceps can be placed in a sealed glass bottle. Containers containing Cordyceps should be stored in a ventilated, dark, cool and dry place, and the temperature should be controlled below 15°C. After the Cordyceps is damp, it should be seedled, that is, the Cordyceps will become an empty valley. After pinching, it becomes flattened, which reduces the quality of Cordyceps. When Cordyceps is found to be damp, it should be lightly baked in a baking oven immediately and sieved to remove the insect body and decay of the pest. Cordyceps should not be stored for too long, as the efficacy will be reduced if it is too long.

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